Prisma and Supabase Connection issues and resolution

Prisma and Supabase Connection issues and resolution - how to correct those errors

9/14/20244 min read

Common errors and issues while connecting Supabase Database from Prisma:

1) Prisma is unable to validate the DATABASE_URL in your schema.prisma file.

Ensure that the .env file in your project root contains a properly formatted DATABASE_URL. It should look something like this

Make sure that the database URL is in the below format. Here user = postgres


Ensure that your schema.prisma file correctly references the environment variable:

datasource db {

provider = "mysql"

url = env("DATABASE_URL")


Ensure that your MySQL server is running and accessible from your application. Test the connection separately if needed.

Ensure you are using a compatible version of Prisma that supports your configuration. Update Prisma if necessary:

npm install @prisma/client@latest

npx prisma generate

By ensuring your .env file is correctly set up and accessible, and by rebuilding the Prisma client, you should be able to resolve the DATABASE_URL validation issue. If the problem persists, recheck all configurations and ensure that there are no environment-specific issues affecting variable loading.

2. Check Database Server Status

Make sure that your PostgreSQL database server is running and accessible. Verify that:

  • The database server is up and running.

  • You can connect to the server using a database client (like pgAdmin or DBeaver) or a command-line tool like psql.

3. Network and Firewall Settings

Ensure that there are no network or firewall restrictions blocking access to the database server. Specifically:

  • Confirm that your database server allows connections from your IP address.

  • Check that port 6543 is open and not blocked by a firewall.

4. Validate Connection Details

Double-check the following details in your DATABASE_URL:

  • Username: Ensure it is correct and has the necessary permissions.

  • Password: Verify that it is correct and has no special characters that need escaping.

  • Host: Ensure is correct and resolves to the correct IP.

  • Port: Confirm that 6543 is the correct port for your PostgreSQL instance.

  • Database Name: Make sure the database name is correct and exists on the server.

5. Test Database Connection

Try connecting to the database using a tool like psql to ensure that the connection details are correct:

6. Check Prisma Configuration

Make sure your prisma/schema.prisma file correctly specifies PostgreSQL or MySQLIf you are using Supabase, ensure that your Supabase instance is correctly configured to accept connections. Check your Supabase project settings for any network or configuration settings that might be affecting connectivity.

datasource db {

provider = "postgresql"

url = env("DATABASE_URL")


generator client {

provider = "prisma-client-js"


Error: P4002 The schema of the introspected database was inconsistent: The schema of the introspected database was inconsistent: Cross schema references are only allowed when the target schema is listed in the schemas property of your datasource. public.files points to auth.users in constraint files_user_id_fkey. Please add auth to your schemas property and run this command again.

Here's how you can modify the prisma.schema file:

datasource db {

provider = "postgresql"

url = env("DATABASE_URL")

schemas = ["public"] // Add Relevant schemas involved in your database


generator client {

provider = "prisma-client-js"


Environment variables loaded from .env Prisma schema loaded from prismaschema.prisma Datasource "db": PostgreSQL database "postgres", schemas "auth, public" at "" Error: P1012 error: Error validating model "User": This model is missing an @@schema attribute.

Add @@schema Attribute to Your Models

You need to specify the schema for each model and enum using the @@schema attribute. For your setup, it looks like you have two schemas: public and auth.

Update your Prisma schema file to include the @@schema attribute in each model and enum:

generator client {

provider = "prisma-client-js"

previewFeatures = ["multiSchema"] // Enable multiSchema preview feature if needed


datasource db {

provider = "postgresql"

url = env("DATABASE_URL")

relationMode = "prisma"

schemas = ["public"]


model User {

id String @id @unique //matches kinde user id

email String @unique

File File[]

Message Message[]

stripeCustomerId String? @unique @map(name: "stripe_customer_id")

stripeSubscriptionId String? @unique @map(name: "stripe_subscription_id")

stripePriceId String? @map(name: "stripe_price_id")

stripeCurrentPeriodEnd DateTime? @map(name: "stripe_current_period_end")

@@schema("auth") // Specify the schema for the model


model File {

id String @id @default(cuid())

name String

uploadStatus UploadStatus @default(PENDING)

url String

key String

messages Message[]

createdAt DateTime @default(now())

updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

User User? @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])

userId String?

@@schema("public") // Specify the schema for the model


model Message {

id String @id @default(cuid())

text String @db.Text()

isUserMessage Boolean

createdAt DateTime @default(now())

updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

User User? @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])

userId String?

File File? @relation(fields: [fileId], references: [id])

fileId String?

@@schema("public") // Specify the schema for the model


enum UploadStatus {





@@schema("public") // Specify the schema for the enum


Verify Schema and Database Setup

Ensure that your database setup aligns with the specified schemas. Verify the schema names and structure using a database management tool or SQL queries:

-- List all schemas

SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata;

-- List all tables in a specific schema

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public';

-- List all tables in the 'auth' schema

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'auth';

Before making any changes, backup your database to avoid losing important data. You can use tools like pg_dump for PostgreSQL databases to create a backup:

pg_dump -h [host] -U [username] -F c -b -v -f [backup_file].backup [database_name]

Unhandled Runtime Error Error: Invalid src prop ( on next/image, hostname "" is not configured under images in your next.config.js See more info:

Modify your next.config.js file to include an images key with the list of allowed domains. Add to this list as follows:

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */

const nextConfig = {

async redirects() {

return [


source: '/sign-in',

destination: '/api/auth/login',

permanent: true,



source: '/sign-up',

destination: '/api/auth/register',

permanent: true,




images: {

domains: [''], // Add this line


webpack: (


{ buildId, dev, isServer, defaultLoaders, webpack }

) => {

config.resolve.alias.canvas = false

config.resolve.alias.encoding = false

return config



module.exports = nextConfig


  1. Check for Typos: Make sure there are no typos in the .env file or schema.prisma.

  2. Verify .env Loading: Ensure that your application correctly loads the .env file if you're using a package like dotenv.

  3. Check Prisma Documentation: Refer to the Prisma documentation for any additional configuration details.