7 use cases of chatbots in Real Estate Industry with Chatbot Scripts

7/25/202316 min read

7 use case of chatbot and in real estate Industry with Chatbot Scripts

1. Property Search and Recommendations: A chatbot can assist users in their property search by asking about their preferences (e.g., location, budget, property type) and providing personalized recommendations. By analyzing user responses and historical data, the chatbot can suggest suitable properties, saving time and narrowing down options.

Chatbot Scripts for property search and recommendation:

User: Hi there! I'm looking to buy a new house in the city. Can you help me find some options?

Chatbot: Of course! I'd be happy to assist you. To start, could you please provide me with some preferences? What's your budget for the property?

User: My budget is around $500,000.

Chatbot: Great! That's a good budget to work with. What type of property are you interested in? For example, do you prefer a house, condo, or apartment?

User: I'm leaning towards a house with a backyard for my kids to play.

Chatbot: Understood. A house with a backyard it is! Now, could you tell me your preferred location or any specific neighborhoods you have in mind?

User: I'm looking for something in a safe and family-friendly neighborhood, preferably near schools.

Chatbot: Got it. Safety and proximity to schools are essential. One last thing, how many bedrooms and bathrooms are you looking for?

User: We need at least 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

Chatbot: Excellent! Thank you for providing all the details. Based on your preferences, I have a few options to recommend. Here are three properties that match your criteria:

1. Property 1: Located in XYZ neighborhood, this beautiful 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom house features a spacious backyard and is within walking distance of the best schools in the area. The price is $480,000.

2. Property 2: Situated in ABC neighborhood, this cozy 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom house offers a well-maintained backyard and easy access to parks and schools. The price is $510,000.

3. Property 3: In DEF neighborhood, this modern 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom house boasts a large backyard and is close to schools and shopping centers. The price is $495,000.

User: Property 1 and 3 sound interesting. Can you show me some pictures of the interiors?

Chatbot: Absolutely! Here are some images of Property 1 and 3. Please have a look and let me know if you'd like more details or want to schedule a virtual tour.

User: The pictures of Property 1 look promising. Can you tell me more about the nearby amenities?

Chatbot: Of course! Property 1 is conveniently located near parks, supermarkets, and has several good schools within a 2-mile radius. It also has easy access to public transportation for your daily commute.

User: That sounds great. How can I schedule a virtual tour of Property 1?

Chatbot: Booking a virtual tour is simple. I can help you with that. Let me check the availability of the property and find a suitable time for the tour. May I know your preferred date and time for the virtual tour?

User: I'm available this Saturday at 10 AM.

Chatbot: Perfect! I will confirm the virtual tour for Property 1 this Saturday at 10 AM and send you the details via email. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Happy house hunting!

This script demonstrates how the chatbot interacts with the user, collects information, and recommends properties based on the user's preferences. The chatbot is also capable of providing additional information and scheduling a virtual tour to ensure a seamless experience for the user.

2. Virtual Property Tours: Chatbots can facilitate virtual property tours, offering a convenient way for users to explore properties remotely. Through text, images, or even VR integration, the chatbot can guide users through different rooms and features, replicating the experience of an in-person visit.

Chatbot Scripts for Virtual Property Tours:

User: Hi, I'm interested in taking a virtual tour of a property. Can you help me with that?

Chatbot: Of course! I'd be delighted to assist you with a virtual tour. Before we proceed, could you please specify the location or any specific property you'd like to explore?

User: I'm looking for a property in the downtown area. What options do you have?

Chatbot: Great choice! Downtown properties often have unique features. To narrow down the options, could you tell me your budget range for the property?

User: My budget is between $700,000 and $800,000.

Chatbot: Perfect! With that budget, we have a few fantastic options. Let me show you two properties that match your criteria:

1. Property 1: Located in the heart of downtown, this modern condo offers a stunning view of the city skyline. It has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and is priced at $750,000.

2. Property 2: Just a few blocks away, this luxurious loft-style apartment features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a rooftop terrace. The price is $790,000.

User: Property 1 sounds intriguing. Can you give me more details about the interior layout and any amenities?

Chatbot: Absolutely! Property 1 has an open-concept layout with a spacious living room and a gourmet kitchen equipped with top-of-the-line appliances. The condo complex also includes amenities like a fitness center, rooftop pool, and 24/7 security.

User: That sounds great. I'd like to see the kitchen and the rooftop pool during the virtual tour.

Chatbot: Certainly! During the virtual tour, I'll make sure to showcase the kitchen and the rooftop pool. May I know your preferred date and time for the tour?

User: How about this Friday at 2 PM?

Chatbot: Excellent choice! I will schedule the virtual tour for Property 1 this Friday at 2 PM and send you the link to access it. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Enjoy your virtual tour!

User: Thank you! Can I invite my partner to join the virtual tour as well?

Chatbot: Absolutely! You can share the tour link with your partner, and they can join the virtual tour from anywhere they prefer. It's a great way to get both of your opinions on the property.

User: Sounds good. One last question - can I take measurements of the rooms during the virtual tour?

Chatbot: While you won't be able to take measurements directly within the tour, I can provide you with a floor plan and room dimensions afterward. Just let me know if you'd like to receive those details once the tour is complete.

User: That would be perfect. Please send me the floor plan and dimensions after the tour. Thank you!

Chatbot: You're welcome! I'll make sure to send you the floor plan and dimensions right after the virtual tour. If you have any more questions or need any further assistance, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your virtual tour experience!

This script showcases how the chatbot guides the user through property options, provides details about the interior and amenities, and schedules a virtual tour based on the user's preferences. The chatbot also addresses additional inquiries, ensuring a smooth and informative virtual tour experience for the user.

3. Financial Guidance: A chatbot can provide financial advice to potential buyers, helping them calculate mortgage estimates, monthly payments, and other related costs. By considering the user's financial information, the chatbot can offer personalized insights and recommendations for better decision-making.

Chatbot Scripts for Financial Guidance related to buying or renting a property:

User: Hi, I'm considering buying a property, but I'm not sure about the financial aspects. Can you help me understand the costs involved?

Chatbot: Of course! I'd be glad to assist you with the financial aspects of buying a property. First, could you please provide me with some basic information? What is the estimated purchase price of the property you are interested in?

User: I'm looking at properties in the range of $400,000 to $500,000.

Chatbot: Great! That gives us a good starting point. Do you plan to make a down payment, and if so, how much are you thinking of putting down?

User: I'm planning to put down 20% as a down payment.

Chatbot: Excellent choice. A 20% down payment is a smart move. Now, would you like to know an estimate of your monthly mortgage payments? If so, how long would you like the mortgage term to be (in years)?

User: Yes, I'd like to know the monthly payments for a 30-year mortgage.

Chatbot: Understood. With a 20% down payment and a 30-year mortgage, the estimated monthly payment would be around $1,600 to $1,800, depending on the interest rate. Keep in mind that this is just an estimate and doesn't include property taxes and insurance. Would you like to include property taxes and insurance in the calculation?

User: Yes, I want to consider those too. What's the average property tax rate in the area I'm looking at?

Chatbot: The average property tax rate in that area is approximately 1.5% of the property's assessed value. For example, if the property is valued at $450,000, the annual property tax would be around $6,750 (1.5% of $450,000). As for insurance, it's typically around $1,000 to $1,500 per year, depending on various factors. Shall I add these costs to the monthly payment estimate?

User: Yes, please include property taxes and insurance in the calculation.

Chatbot: Taking into account the property tax and insurance, the revised estimated monthly payment would be around $2,000 to $2,200. Keep in mind that this is still an estimate and doesn't include other potential expenses like maintenance or utilities. If you need a more detailed breakdown or have any other questions, feel free to ask.

User: That's helpful. I also want to know about any potential closing costs involved in the home buying process.

Chatbot: Sure thing! Closing costs typically range from 2% to 5% of the property's purchase price. These costs include fees for loan processing, appraisal, title insurance, and other necessary services. For a property in the $400,000 to $500,000 range, you can estimate closing costs to be around $8,000 to $25,000. It's essential to budget for these costs during the buying process.

User: I see. Thanks for explaining everything so clearly. I feel more confident about moving forward with my property search.

Chatbot: You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions or need further assistance during your property search or buying process, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you the best of luck in finding your dream property!

4. Real-time Communication: As buyers or sellers might have queries at any time, the chatbot can offer instant responses to frequently asked questions, providing 24/7 support. This real-time communication ensures a prompt and seamless interaction, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

Chatbot Scripts for Real-time Communication:

User: Hi there! I have a few questions about a property I'm interested in. Can you help me with that?

Chatbot: Absolutely! I'm here to assist you. Please feel free to ask any questions you have regarding the property you're interested in.

User: Can you tell me more about the neighborhood where the property is located?

Chatbot: Certainly! The property is situated in a vibrant neighborhood with easy access to parks, schools, and shopping centers. It has a low crime rate and is known for its friendly community. Additionally, there are various public transportation options nearby, making it convenient for daily commuting.

User: That sounds great. I'm also curious about the property's condition. Are there any recent renovations or repairs done?

Chatbot: Yes, the property underwent recent renovations, including a fully remodeled kitchen, updated bathrooms, and new flooring throughout. Additionally, the roof was replaced last year, and the HVAC system is brand new. It's in excellent condition and move-in ready.

User: Perfect! Can you provide me with the seller's contact information? I'd like to schedule an in-person viewing.

Chatbot: I apologize, but as a chatbot, I don't have access to personal contact information. However, I can help facilitate communication with the seller. Please provide your contact details, and I'll pass them along to the seller, who will get in touch with you to schedule the viewing.

User: Alright, I just submitted my contact details. How soon can I expect to hear back from the seller?

Chatbot: Thank you for submitting your contact information. Typically, sellers respond within 24 to 48 hours to schedule viewings. If you don't receive a response within that time frame, please let me know, and I'll follow up on your behalf to ensure a prompt response.

User: Sounds good. While I wait, I'd like to know more about the property's proximity to schools. Are there any good schools nearby?

Chatbot: Absolutely! There are several top-rated schools within a 2-mile radius of the property. The closest elementary school is just a 10-minute walk away, and there are also middle and high schools within a short driving distance. The area is known for its strong educational institutions.

User: That's great to hear. One last question - are there any upcoming developments or construction projects planned in the neighborhood?

Chatbot: As of now, there are no major upcoming developments or construction projects planned in the immediate neighborhood. However, I recommend keeping an eye on local news and city council updates for any potential changes in the area.

User: Thank you for all the information. You've been really helpful!

Chatbot: You're very welcome! I'm glad I could assist you. If you have any more questions or need further support throughout your property search or buying process, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy house hunting!

5. Document Assistance: Throughout the buying or renting process, users often require assistance with paperwork and documentation. The chatbot can guide users through the necessary steps, explaining the documents needed and offering links to download relevant forms.

Chatbot scripts for Document Assistance:

User: Hi, I'm in the process of buying a property, and I need some help with the required documents. Can you guide me on what I need to prepare?

Chatbot: Of course! Congratulations on your decision to buy a property. To get started, could you please let me know if you're purchasing the property with cash or applying for a mortgage?

User: I'm applying for a mortgage.

Chatbot: Got it. When applying for a mortgage, you'll typically need the following documents:

  1. Proof of income (recent pay stubs, W-2 forms, or tax returns)

  2. Bank statements for the past few months

  3. Employment verification letter

  4. Identification documents (driver's license or passport)

  5. Purchase agreement or sales contract for the property

  6. Any additional documents requested by your lender.

User: That's helpful. Can you tell me where I can get a copy of the purchase agreement or sales contract?

Chatbot: The purchase agreement or sales contract is usually provided by the seller or the seller's real estate agent. Once your offer is accepted, they will draft the contract, and you'll receive a copy for review and signatures. If you haven't received it yet, you can reach out to the seller or agent to request a copy.

User: Thanks! I also heard about a document called a "pre-approval letter." What is that, and how can I obtain one?

Chatbot: A pre-approval letter is a document issued by a mortgage lender indicating that you are qualified to borrow a certain amount of money for a home loan. To obtain a pre-approval letter, you'll need to submit your financial documents, such as income proof and bank statements, to the lender. They will review your financial information and issue the letter if you meet their criteria.

User: Okay, I'll make sure to get a pre-approval letter. Are there any specific guidelines for the documents I need to submit to the lender?

Chatbot: Each lender may have slightly different requirements, but generally, they will provide you with a list of the documents they need for the pre-approval process. As I mentioned earlier, typical documents include proof of income, bank statements, and identification documents. It's essential to provide all the requested documents accurately and promptly to speed up the pre-approval process.

User: Understood. One more question - how long does it usually take for the lender to process the documents and issue the pre-approval letter?

Chatbot: The processing time can vary depending on the lender's workload and the complexity of your financial situation. Generally, it takes a few business days to a week to receive the pre-approval letter once you've submitted all the required documents. Some lenders may offer expedited processing if needed.

User: That's good to know. Thanks for your help in clarifying everything!

Chatbot: You're welcome! I'm glad I could assist you. If you have any more questions or need further guidance during the document preparation process or any other aspect of your property purchase, feel free to reach out. Good luck with your home buying journey!

6. Negotiation and Offers: Acting as an intermediary, the chatbot can facilitate negotiations between buyers and sellers. By conveying offers, counteroffers, and terms between the parties, the chatbot streamlines the negotiation process and maintains a clear channel of communication.

Chatbot Scripts for Negotiation and Offers:

User: Hi, I'm interested in making an offer on a property, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Can you guide me through the negotiation process?

Chatbot: Absolutely! Negotiating an offer can be crucial in the home buying process. To get started, could you please let me know the property's address and your initial offer amount?

User: The property is located at 123 Main Street, and I'd like to offer $480,000.

Chatbot: Thank you for providing the details. Before we proceed, have you had a chance to get a pre-approval letter from a mortgage lender?

User: Yes, I have my pre-approval letter ready.

Chatbot: Excellent! Having a pre-approval letter strengthens your position as a serious buyer. Now, I recommend submitting your offer along with a cover letter outlining your interest in the property and the reasons behind your offer. This personal touch can appeal to the seller.

User: That sounds like a good idea. What should I include in the cover letter?

Chatbot: In the cover letter, you should introduce yourself, express your appreciation for the property, and mention any specific features that attracted you. Be sure to explain your offer amount and the reasoning behind it, such as recent comparable sales in the area. Remember to maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout the letter.

User: Got it. Should I include any contingencies in my offer?

Chatbot: Including contingencies in your offer can protect your interests. Common contingencies are related to financing, home inspection, and appraisal. For instance, you can make the offer contingent on obtaining satisfactory results from a home inspection or securing a mortgage with specific terms. Keep in mind that too many contingencies might make your offer less appealing to the seller, so it's essential to strike a balance.

User: I understand. Is there a typical timeframe for the seller to respond to my offer?

Chatbot: Typically, sellers are given a few days to respond to an offer. The specific timeframe can be stated in your offer letter. It's essential to be patient during this process as the seller may be considering multiple offers. If the seller has not responded within the specified timeframe, you can inquire with their real estate agent to get an update on the status of your offer.

User: Okay, I'll keep that in mind. One last question - what if the seller counters my initial offer?

Chatbot: If the seller counters your offer, you have the option to accept their counteroffer, make a counter-counteroffer, or decide not to proceed further. Negotiations can go back and forth until both parties reach a mutual agreement. It's crucial to stay communicative and be clear about your priorities during the negotiation process.

User: Thanks for explaining the negotiation process. I feel more confident now!

Chatbot: You're welcome! I'm glad I could assist you. If you have any more questions or need further guidance during the negotiation process or any other aspect of your property purchase, feel free to reach out. Happy negotiating!

7. Post-Sale Support: After a successful transaction, the chatbot can continue to provide support by offering moving tips, connecting users with utilities providers, or addressing any post-sale queries. This thoughtful follow-up enhances the overall customer experience and helps build trust and loyalty.

Chatbot scripts for Post-Sale Support:

User: Hi, I recently purchased a property, and I have some questions about what to do next. Can you provide me with some post-sale support?

Chatbot: Congratulations on your new property! I'd be happy to assist you with any post-sale support you need. Please feel free to ask your questions, and I'll do my best to help.

User: Thank you! I'm not sure what steps to take next after the purchase. Can you guide me on the post-sale process?

Chatbot: Of course! After the purchase, there are a few essential steps you should consider. Firstly, make sure to transfer the utilities into your name and set up new accounts with the necessary service providers. Secondly, update your mailing address with the post office and any relevant institutions. Lastly, review your homeowner's insurance policy to ensure it's active and provides adequate coverage for your new property.

User: That's helpful. I'm also curious about property taxes. How do I know when and how to pay them?

Chatbot: Property taxes are usually paid annually or semi-annually, depending on your local tax regulations. You'll receive a tax bill from your municipality or local tax authority, outlining the amount due and the payment deadline. Some homeowners choose to pay their property taxes directly, while others include them in their mortgage payment, which is then held in an escrow account and paid by the lender on their behalf.

User: I see. What about ongoing maintenance and repairs? How do I handle those?

Chatbot: Regular maintenance is essential to keep your property in good condition. Consider creating a maintenance schedule to address tasks like HVAC system checks, gutter cleaning, and pest control. For repairs, it's advisable to set aside a portion of your budget for unexpected expenses. You can also hire professional contractors for more significant repairs or consult with a property management company if you prefer a hands-off approach.

User: That's good advice. I'm also interested in making some home improvements. How can I go about that?

Chatbot: Home improvements can add value to your property and enhance your living experience. Start by making a list of desired improvements and setting a budget. Consider consulting with a local contractor or interior designer to get ideas and cost estimates. Additionally, research any necessary permits or approvals required for your planned improvements. Remember to prioritize essential repairs before focusing on cosmetic upgrades.

User: Thanks for the guidance. I have one more question - how do I update my property's information with the local authorities and tax office?

Chatbot: You're welcome! To update your property's information with the local authorities and tax office, you'll typically need to submit a change of ownership form or a property tax re-assessment form. This form informs them of the change in ownership and ensures that future tax bills and official communications are sent to you as the new owner. You can usually find these forms on your local tax office's website or request them in person.

User: That clears up everything for me. I appreciate your support!

Chatbot: I'm glad I could assist you. If you have any more questions or need further support with anything related to your property, don't hesitate to reach out. Enjoy your new home, and if there's anything else I can help you with, feel free to ask!

By integrating these seven key use cases into a real estate chatbot design, users will benefit from an efficient, personalized, and user-friendly platform for buying or selling properties.

If you are planning to build a real estate website with chatbot capability, please visit the following
